
The Romance Review
Sometimes you stumble upon good news. I did when I found out that THE ROMANCE REVIEWS, had selected SUNNY DAYS, MOONLIT NIGHTS a TOP PICK a while back. Had to share this wonderful review with y'all. 
 5 Stars/Book Reviewed by Tiffy (reviewer)
Have you ever wondered what would happen if your first love showed up on your doorstep? Or if you could return to the happiest time of your life and recapture those lost feelings? Jean Joachim answers those questions in this novel with a riveting yet poignant love story.

Caroline Sunny White is trapped in a loveless marriage to Bradley White. Bradley is a multimillionaire who has made Caroline's art work famous by having it shown in all the hot galleries in New York and Connecticut. Caroline is fed up with Brad's three years of infidelity, but can't seem to leave even though her bags have been packed for three months. The last straw is when the owner of the art gallery holding an exhibition of Caroline's work propositions her saying that it was Brad's idea for him to approach her.

Caroline throws her packed bags in the car and runs away to the summer cottage in Willow Falls that her mother bequeathed to her. Because Brad doesn't know about the cabin, Caroline figures that she'll have time to decide which direction her life should take and when to start divorce proceedings.

Moving to the cabin proves to be a healing and enlightening experience for Caroline, who reverts to her nickname Sunny. She finds all her childhood paintings lovingly preserved by her mother, who never encouraged her daughter's artistic talent. She reconnects with the older couple who lived next door and in whom she confided all her childhood problems. Linda, her best friend, lives in the town close by and the two girls pick up their friendship as if they hadn't been separated for 20 years.

But the most amazing coincidence is when her childhood sweetheart, Mickey Foster, turns up in Sunny's bathroom. While taking a shower to wash away the dust of her trip, the hot water spigot came off in Sunny's hand, causing the water to become burning hot. Sunny called out and Mickey came to the rescue just like he did twenty years ago.

Mickey repairs the spigot and helps Sunny refurbish the cabin. Sunny finds out that Mickey is divorced with a 13-year-old son. Sunny begins divorce proceedings against Brad, but doesn't tell Mickey that she is still married. The divorce laws require a 3-month cooling off period, where there can be dire consequences if either party is caught in a compromising position.

As the cabin begins to become a home again, Sunny finds herself again falling under Mickey's spell. Mickey wants to move their relationship to the next level, but every time he presses Sunny, she backs away. Sunny is fearful that Brad will discover her hiding place and find a way to take his rage out on Mickey. Does true love win out? Does Brad get what he deserves? You'll have to read the novel to find out!

I absolutely loved this novel and cried at the end. The dialogue between the characters is so well crafted you feel as if you're standing next to them. I can't wait to read Jean Joachim's next book. 
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