Stitches, Stitches & More!
Hello again, dear friends! Oh where, oh where do the days go in such a flurry? I wonder...... don't you?
My needle and thread can't seem to decide, these days, on which project they want to stitch, so I have a few going all at once. Finally, the first band of "Huckleberry Sampler", by Rosewood Manor is now complete, and on to the letter "E"!
Isn't this a lovely letter "D"?
A close-up of the pretty little details, and oh, so many colour changes, but well worth it for the effect.
"Giovanni's Alphabet" (Tempting Tangles) is my long-term work in progress, being done as a SAL with my dear friend, Donna, (no blog). This one has been a challenging piece, for sure, as there have been very minimal directions, and one has to figure out some of the more intricate stitches without good stitch diagrams to follow.
I refer to these bands as "The Hunting Scene".
My wonderful husband gave me this lovely birthday bouquet!
Miss Meggie has been up to some naughty doggie tricks lately.......
Oh so sweet, she turned around to look at me, as if to say, "I'm so sorry Mama". How could I ever stay mad at such a sweet little girl.......
All tucked up in her bed....Nightie Night!
Blessings In Stitches & Friendship!