We welcome Dawne Prochilo as our FIRST guest in the hot seat for our tough interview. Dawne has a brand new historical western romance out, JAKE'S LADY. This is the second in her series, The Butler's of Willow Creek.
More about that after we grill Dawne.
Have a chocolate croissant, Dawne and a cup of coffee.
1. Why do you write the genre you write?
I started writing in the sweet romance genre three years ago, as I grew up reading Harlequin. I ventured off, as a challenge two years ago, into the erotic romance. I succeeded and had five books published in that genre, but I found myself not enjoying it
as much as I do the sweet, true love connection that sweet romance offers. So, in 2012, I went back to my roots of sweet and I have actually found a love and calling for historical westerns- think 19th century old west. Someday, I would like to write an Edwardian era
(pre-post depression) series of books. I grew up watching The Waltons and felt such a connection to the lives and ways of the people. Perhaps base the series in the mountains of Tennessee, as I love the serenity of that area.
2. What does your family say about your writing?
They are very supportive of whatever my business venture is. When I first started writing, they called it a hobby. Granted, I was working a full-time job, but now as a full-time writer with 14 books published and eight more slated for release in 2013, they know
I am serious. My daughters have read some of my books, my son... none. My parents have read one.
3. What is the hardest part of being a writer for you?
Finding the one book that will hook new readers and fans, and finding a healthy balance between writing, editing and promoting. It is a vicious cycle.
4. What’s one piece of advice you give to an aspiring writer?
I'm sure many have heard this, but it is so very true. Never give up. Keep writing every day. If you love it, just do it. Never feel like giving up... it is all worth it in the end.
5. Do you open a bottle of wine if you get a bad review?
No. I actually open a bottle of wine when the writing is floating off my fingertips. As for bad reviews... I just take it with a grain of salt and move on. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, just as I am entitled to writing what I write.
6. How do you handle rejection?
I actually have a shoebox, or two- well, maybe three, full of old rejections. Keep in mind this was before the age of technology and email submissions. All I can remember is 'sighing', folding the letter back up and sticking it in the box. I have to honestly say, I
haven't had a rejection in over three years- it is a GREAT feeling.
7. What advice would you give to an aspiring writer who gets rejections?
Use it as a learning block. Take the criticism, if offered, and use it to perfect your craft and writing style. Never feel bad or negative about it. Many famous authors of best selling books faced rejections.
8. What one thing would you change about your writing career?
Honestly, I don't believe I would change one aspect of it. Each book written, every manuscript and every connection I have made has made me who I am today in the industry. If not for all those stepping stones, I wouldn't be where I am at now.
9. Is editing a learning experience for you or a nightmare? Explain.
Learning experience. The first time I sat down to do my first edits three years ago, I sat at the computer and almost cried... all that red... all that green and blue.. all those comments. I actually remember saying, “why do I even bother?”. I have the answer now
as I sit and do my edits- which I must add are MUCH less, it has purposely made me a better writer, a more creative storyteller and I am grateful.
10. Paperback or ebook?
I have one paperback book and the others are all e-book versions. As an author, I have no preference, but I will say seeing yoru name on a print book that you can hold and autograph is such an exhilarating moment. As a reader? E-book. I LOVE my Kindle Fire!
11. Publisher or Self-Publishing?
I have done both and honestly, I prefer working with a publisher. Just a personal preference, no real explanation as to why.
12. How important are your book covers?
VERY important! Most readers, myself included, will pick up a book just by the cover alone. Crucial first impressions here.
1. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Caramel or peanut butter swirl
2. Favorite meal is… deep dish pizza with way too much bacon and cheese.
3. Name one place you’ve never been that you’re dying to visit. Anywhere in the northeast. I love Vermont or New Hampshire... peaceful places, I have heard.
4. Your favorite vacation spot is… Anywhere with mountains.
5. First name of the one man or woman who got away. Brian
6. Favorite color is… emerald green
7. Favorite car is… my little Mazda 6
8. Gourmet meal out or shopping trip? Shopping trip
9. What do you do to cheer yourself up if you’re having a bad day? Think positive and remember silly moments in life that made me laugh or smile.
10. Name an embarrassing moment you’ve had in four sentences or less. Let's see... in high school I sat down on the curb during lunch and without knowing it, sat on a broken piece of glass.. cut my (rhymes with glass) and had to go to principal's office to call my mom. Quite embarrassing!
A Bit About the Books
Willow Creek, Colorado, 1898 Ellora 'Ellie' Jameson arrives in town from back east, escaping a controlling father and adulterous fiancé. She meets Jake Butler in the restaurant while applying/begging for waitress position. Her shyness attracts Jake but it is his thoughtfulness and protective ways that makes Ellie realize he is man just for her. When Ellie's fiancé comes to town in search of her, Jake takes the lead and defends what is his now.
Willow Creek, Colorado, 1898 The oldest Butler sibling, Cody, has his eye on newcomer, and saloon gal, Lydia Parsons. She is an innocent duped into a world of an unpleasant profession and he knows he needs to rescue her. He vows to help her escape her current life. Stealing her away from the life as a saloon girl and giving her the future she deserves, Cody is shocked with her revelation. She is harboring a secret; one that will make for a ready made family. Lydia never meant to decieve Cody, but what choice did she have? She never meant to end up in this predicament and would do anything to be Cody's wife and to find Charlie, the other male in her life. Can Cody keep his promise to Lydia? Even after discovering her 'secret'.
Sadie Callaghan is a self-proclaimed healer and ancestor of Wiccans. Always the local outcast, she finds herself at the center of hate crimes and a suspect in various criminal offenses. Under the tight scrutiny of Sheriff Walt Malone, she needs to prove her innocence before her stalker can harm her. The threat to her life increases when local religious leaders attack her verbally. Can Malone save her before the real assailant gets to her, or does he still believe that she is the perpetrator? Time is running out as the two turn to each other.
More about that after we grill Dawne.
Have a chocolate croissant, Dawne and a cup of coffee.
1. Why do you write the genre you write?
I started writing in the sweet romance genre three years ago, as I grew up reading Harlequin. I ventured off, as a challenge two years ago, into the erotic romance. I succeeded and had five books published in that genre, but I found myself not enjoying it
as much as I do the sweet, true love connection that sweet romance offers. So, in 2012, I went back to my roots of sweet and I have actually found a love and calling for historical westerns- think 19th century old west. Someday, I would like to write an Edwardian era
(pre-post depression) series of books. I grew up watching The Waltons and felt such a connection to the lives and ways of the people. Perhaps base the series in the mountains of Tennessee, as I love the serenity of that area.
2. What does your family say about your writing?
They are very supportive of whatever my business venture is. When I first started writing, they called it a hobby. Granted, I was working a full-time job, but now as a full-time writer with 14 books published and eight more slated for release in 2013, they know
I am serious. My daughters have read some of my books, my son... none. My parents have read one.
3. What is the hardest part of being a writer for you?
Finding the one book that will hook new readers and fans, and finding a healthy balance between writing, editing and promoting. It is a vicious cycle.
4. What’s one piece of advice you give to an aspiring writer?
I'm sure many have heard this, but it is so very true. Never give up. Keep writing every day. If you love it, just do it. Never feel like giving up... it is all worth it in the end.
5. Do you open a bottle of wine if you get a bad review?
No. I actually open a bottle of wine when the writing is floating off my fingertips. As for bad reviews... I just take it with a grain of salt and move on. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, just as I am entitled to writing what I write.

I actually have a shoebox, or two- well, maybe three, full of old rejections. Keep in mind this was before the age of technology and email submissions. All I can remember is 'sighing', folding the letter back up and sticking it in the box. I have to honestly say, I
haven't had a rejection in over three years- it is a GREAT feeling.
7. What advice would you give to an aspiring writer who gets rejections?
Use it as a learning block. Take the criticism, if offered, and use it to perfect your craft and writing style. Never feel bad or negative about it. Many famous authors of best selling books faced rejections.
8. What one thing would you change about your writing career?
Honestly, I don't believe I would change one aspect of it. Each book written, every manuscript and every connection I have made has made me who I am today in the industry. If not for all those stepping stones, I wouldn't be where I am at now.
9. Is editing a learning experience for you or a nightmare? Explain.
Learning experience. The first time I sat down to do my first edits three years ago, I sat at the computer and almost cried... all that red... all that green and blue.. all those comments. I actually remember saying, “why do I even bother?”. I have the answer now
as I sit and do my edits- which I must add are MUCH less, it has purposely made me a better writer, a more creative storyteller and I am grateful.
10. Paperback or ebook?
I have one paperback book and the others are all e-book versions. As an author, I have no preference, but I will say seeing yoru name on a print book that you can hold and autograph is such an exhilarating moment. As a reader? E-book. I LOVE my Kindle Fire!
11. Publisher or Self-Publishing?
I have done both and honestly, I prefer working with a publisher. Just a personal preference, no real explanation as to why.
12. How important are your book covers?
VERY important! Most readers, myself included, will pick up a book just by the cover alone. Crucial first impressions here.
1. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Caramel or peanut butter swirl
2. Favorite meal is… deep dish pizza with way too much bacon and cheese.
3. Name one place you’ve never been that you’re dying to visit. Anywhere in the northeast. I love Vermont or New Hampshire... peaceful places, I have heard.
4. Your favorite vacation spot is… Anywhere with mountains.
5. First name of the one man or woman who got away. Brian
6. Favorite color is… emerald green
7. Favorite car is… my little Mazda 6
8. Gourmet meal out or shopping trip? Shopping trip
9. What do you do to cheer yourself up if you’re having a bad day? Think positive and remember silly moments in life that made me laugh or smile.
10. Name an embarrassing moment you’ve had in four sentences or less. Let's see... in high school I sat down on the curb during lunch and without knowing it, sat on a broken piece of glass.. cut my (rhymes with glass) and had to go to principal's office to call my mom. Quite embarrassing!

Willow Creek, Colorado, 1898 Ellora 'Ellie' Jameson arrives in town from back east, escaping a controlling father and adulterous fiancé. She meets Jake Butler in the restaurant while applying/begging for waitress position. Her shyness attracts Jake but it is his thoughtfulness and protective ways that makes Ellie realize he is man just for her. When Ellie's fiancé comes to town in search of her, Jake takes the lead and defends what is his now.
Willow Creek, Colorado, 1898 The oldest Butler sibling, Cody, has his eye on newcomer, and saloon gal, Lydia Parsons. She is an innocent duped into a world of an unpleasant profession and he knows he needs to rescue her. He vows to help her escape her current life. Stealing her away from the life as a saloon girl and giving her the future she deserves, Cody is shocked with her revelation. She is harboring a secret; one that will make for a ready made family. Lydia never meant to decieve Cody, but what choice did she have? She never meant to end up in this predicament and would do anything to be Cody's wife and to find Charlie, the other male in her life. Can Cody keep his promise to Lydia? Even after discovering her 'secret'.
Sadie Callaghan is a self-proclaimed healer and ancestor of Wiccans. Always the local outcast, she finds herself at the center of hate crimes and a suspect in various criminal offenses. Under the tight scrutiny of Sheriff Walt Malone, she needs to prove her innocence before her stalker can harm her. The threat to her life increases when local religious leaders attack her verbally. Can Malone save her before the real assailant gets to her, or does he still believe that she is the perpetrator? Time is running out as the two turn to each other.