It has been the most wonderful blessing for me to have a very precious Mother, now 84 years old, who has always loved me and my siblings unconditionally all of our lives. She has been my role model as a Mother, wife and now a Grandmother, and I am so thankful for her example in how to love and care for my own family.
God Bless You My Very Dearest Mother!
Our own sweet children and grandchildren gave me beautiful and funny cards for Mother's Day.
On Friday night, our daughter, Carra, stopped by with Miss Ella to show us the winning cupcakes from a cupcake contest earlier in the afternoon. It seems that Carra's 'Cookie Monster cupcake was the winner, but Miss Ella ate the winning cupcake on the way to our house. So they brought some of the other very special cupcake entries for us to sample.
My favorite one was the cupcake with a Dogwood flower in the middle. The one at the top of the dish was supposed to be a "Mashed Potatoes With Butter" cupcake. (It was really frosting, but it sure looked like mashed potatoes!)
If you have wondered where I have been hiding these past weeks, I can honestly tell you that I have honestly meant, every day, to write a post, and the days have just slipped away. But here I am at long last....
Quaker Christmas II is still on my stitching frame and will be for quite a while until it is finished. I love all of the beautiful little motifs and songs in this wonderful design.
Last week, a most lovely surprise was waiting for me in my mailbox, from my very special friend, Donna, (no blog).
Isn't this a very special treasure? I love the little bees buzzing about above the flowers, and the beautiful marking pin that Donna stuck in the top right corner. Thank you so much, Donna! I absolutely love it!
Well, dear friends, it has been a very long, but happy day today, and it is time for my favorite cup of tea and some stitching time before I say, "Nightie - night".
May you be be blessed with with love, joy, peace, contentment in the little things in life, and comfort in the midst of the trials and sorrows that are part of life. But most of all, God Bless You every day!
Blessings & Hugs!