Last Sunday morning we woke up to find that our roads were covered with "black ice", when my husband walked the dog, so our church service was cancelled and we stayed home. So we decided that we would spend the morning decorating our Christmas tree! Thank heavens for small blessings!
My ornament gifts are almost finished. All of them are stitched and laced onto the foam core templates. All that remains is to sew on the twisted cording or ribbons to each one. I will try to get a few photos posted of each one, before they are given away as gifts!
Just thought that I would share with you some of my other Christmas projects. Although the picture does not do this Christmas box justice, I had fun stitching up this delightful design, which fit perfectly onto the lid of the Sudberry box, which I discovered in my stash!
This is a sweet little "NOEL" design, also tucked away in my Christmas stash, stitched up quickly. I found the perfect sized gold frame for it too. I'm very pleased with the way it came out!
This morning I made a quick trip to the post office to mail one last gift, and then it was home to bake a few more goodies. I am not baking as much this year. It is a lot of work, and much of it doesn't always get eaten because everyone always brings their Christmas treats to us too. So, I have just made a few old time favorites that our family most enjoys.
Counting the days til Christmas! Savor these precious moments before they are just memories. I always love the days leading up to Christmas more than anything. Just me being sentimental again:)